Created by BonnieRoberts Cards, Cellphone & Texter are two charming little characters whose goal is to spread the prevention of texting and driving in a lighthearted, easy way.
Check out the statistics below, and you'll see why this message is so important:
- 5 seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field.
- Talking on a cell phone while driving can make a younger driver's reaction time as slow as that of a 70-year-old.
- Of all cell phone-related tasks - including talking, dialing, or reaching for the phone - texting while driving is the most dangerous.
- About 13% of adult drivers have surfed the Internet while driving.
And yet...
- 60% of drivers still use cell phones while driving.
Crazy, right?! Well, what I love about Cellphone & Texter is that they're able to spread their message in an effective and FUN way! On the back of each card is a reminder not to text and drive. The fun part is that you can customize your cards (without autocorrect turning your message into something naughty!!!), and write your own little message!
Cellphone & Texter also make appearances on birthday and holiday cards, where well-wishes are written in both English and text lingo. THE CUTEST!!! I am just SUCH a fan of these cards, and I think it takes some real smarts and creativity to talk about something kinda scary in a non-scary way. Click here or on the pic on the right side of the page to buy or learn more about Cellphone & Texter. I just got their sweet little holiday cards...LOVE!!!
Happy Holidays, stay glamorous, and don't text and drive!
Oh, that is so nice of you to say!!! Thank you so much. :) What is your blog URL??